Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Seth MacFarlane isn't Funny

I'm not one of those militant anti-Family Guy people.  I don't particularly find the show funny, but that's probably because the animated sitcom as we know it died with the creation of South Park, and all attempts at comedic animation after that have been held to a measuring stick a mile high, and unfortunately, there's never again going to be a show with wholesome values like The Simpsons, and popular appeal.

That didn't stop Seth MacFarlane from trying, though and he failed.

When I saw this video on YouTube today, I slapped my forehead.  Seth MacFarlane is animating 15 year old jokes, and slapping a commercial on the front, why the fuck didn't I think of that.  I was pissed, on one hand, because it's a dumb old joke.  Yes, we get it, Dylan's got a funny voice, Waits' has got a gravely one, and Popeye speaks with inaudible chuckles most of the time.  I was just about to close the window, when Muhamed Ali comes out.  That takes balls.  It takes balls for MacFarlane to make fun of the greatest boxer who ever lived for getting Parkinson's, and it takes balls down at the offices at Priceline's marketing department.  Someone down there actually approved an ad that makes fun of a man with of a debilitating brain disorder who is dying, because he has a debilitating brain disorder and is dying.

Bravo, Seth MacFarlane and Priceline.  You are cool in my book.


  1. i agree seth is the biggest retard in the whole world and his both of his shows are retarted and so inmature

  2. dude that wasnt muhammad ali, that was hurricane carter
    open mouth...insert dick

  3. no it was muhammad! fag

  4. Seth MacFarlane is a silver-spoon anti-American, anti-family douchebag.
    He just doesn't get that being a good father is a tough gig in today's cynical world.
    He reminds me of the creator of Amos and Andy in the 50's. Easy to make fun of some things.
    But his humor does irreparable harm to the young audience who has few other "father" representations.
    I don't know if Seth is gay or straight; but if he has kids himself, God help him.

    What a piece of trash he is.


  5. Seth just can't seem to find the right woman, "because he's allergic to vagina"! Google "gay face" and you will understand his facial expressions and mannerisms that ONLY gay men possess! He also thinks he is the best singer in the world EPIC FAIL! Elton John thinks you suck and your annoying voice sounds like ass Seth now go and cry yoursef to sleep on your huge stash of Mens Heath magazines!

  6. You are correct. Seth is allergic to female anatomy and is a fudger. He uses juvenile potty mouth jokes that are not funny. He needs to go back to the drawing board because his animation is also juvenile.
