Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A momentus occasion.

I am aware that up until now this blog has been more about titties, dicks, fags and movies, but today something important happened, and I'd just like to say a short piece about it.

Today, a man who knew little of his father, lost his mother at an early age, and was raised in an environment where judgement was passed on him at every opportunity was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America. A man who had odds stacked against him based solely on race used every facility available to him, including some which were previously considered a hindrance, to lift himself to the highest echelons of power in the most powerful government that human society has known.

A group of people, one that grew on a daily basis for the last seven or so years, became increasingly bitter about a political system that seemed to have failed them.  I admit that I was part of this group.  It was the only way that we could remain sane in a world that was becoming more alien to us by the day.  We watched the news every day for a glimmer of hope, even a hint of a possible light at the end of the tunnel that took too long to come.  I personally apologize for being a part of a great divide in our nation, but I do not apologize for what that divide layed the ground work for, because as he disappears in my rear view mirror, I realize that George W. Bush was not damaging because of his incompetence; one might even make the argument that as his tenure in the White House matured, he became less paralyzingly incompetent.  As he matured, we came to see that it was more so his irresponsibility that caused the brunt of the detriment caused by his Presidency.

But today there's a reason to look upon tomorrow without assurance that it be more dismal than today; we can rest our troubles on the shoulders of a man who has promised to provide much needed relief to those of us who really need to be relieved.  He's sworn solemnly to provide The United States of America with a future that no longer manifests itself as a less desirable version of today, and for that I am grateful.

I can't help but notice how easy my smile comes today.  While this day can be considered a victory for many groups, it is more so a victory for all of us as individuals, even those of us who have yet to understand just what has transpired.  We have tumbled out of this brawl with a frightening opponent bruised but victorious, and for that, I thank you, Barack Hussein Obama.

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