Monday, January 12, 2009

Hank, pt. 2

A: That Hank thing by the way made my fucking day.
K: Haha good! Saturday was Hank day for me. I just listened to Black Flag and Rollins Band all day.
A: Rollins band? Why would you do that to yourself.
K: Dude listen to life time.
A: I have. It's a lie. His lyrics don't work anymore. They sound weird coming out of an old man.
K: he put out life time in like '87

I'm more than positive the last time you listened to Life Time you were probably like 13. I'm sure little 13 year old Alex's head popped because at the time you totally could relate to all of Henry FUCKING Rollins' pissed-ness and now big bearded adult Alex thinks he's above that shit. Well fuck man! I'm going to redirect you and everyone that reads this shit over to:

Bad Year Media

I'm already upset about your eagerness to see a Steven Soderbergh movie and now you give me reason to doubt our special friendship building bond over MOST things(Life Time being one of them...) Henry Rollins and Black Flag.

don't make me continue to direct blog entries at you...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my dear, dear Kevin; you misunderstood me. When Dio sang for Black Sabath, he was a young(ish) man, and now that he's approaching creepy old dude status his lyrics just seem more bad ass.

    When I hear "Do It", though, I have the image of the aging alternative icon, tattoos faded with age, sending faxes to his throat doctors office. I find myself wondering exactly what I'm supposed to be doing.
