You may remember him as the director of such films as Kids, Bully, and Wassup Rockers but fuck all that! Despite not having seen any of his movies since I was in the age range of 14-16 I feel confident saying his still photography is way better. I'm a complete and utter fucking snob when it comes to photography. So much so that I loathe photography and photographers.* It takes a lot for me to be excited or even remotely interested in a photo. Larry Clark really seems to do it for me. Forget all the technical jargon you probably don't want to hear about what most people say defines a good photo. Let's talk about content. Larry Clark just seems to have this ability to document what most would view as obscene and/or offensive in such a brutally honest and matter of fact way. Nothing is ever really forced and it's as natural as if he had those eyeball cameras you talk about with your friends when you're stoned and someone puts a pair of panties on their face.
*Yeah, I hate myself.
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